Opening Ceremony for External Evaluation of 03 Training Programs at Maritime College No.1

Thời gian: 06/09/2024 09:48

The mission of Maritime College No.1 (MC1) is to be a multidisciplinary and creative human resources training institution meeting the needs of high-quality labor, especially according to regional and international standards for the maritime industry, seaport services and logistics.

To ensure training quality over the years, MC1 has established a quality assurance system since 2018, in accordance with Circular No. 28/2017/TT-BLĐTBXH dated December 15, 2017, issued by the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, which regulates the quality assurance system of vocational education institutions. Annually, MC1 conducts self-evaluation of vocational education institutions and 07 key occupations as required. In 2020, MC1 had an external evaluation and was recognized for meeting the quality standards of vocational education institutions with a score of 95/100, and the navigation profession at the college level with a score of 96/100.

Maintaining and promoting the achievements gained, in 2024, MC1 implemented a self-evaluation plan and registered for external evaluation of the international key vocational training program in Marine Engine Operation  and two ASEAN key vocational programs (Automotive Engineering  and Logistics). Recently, MC1 has focused and made efforts to review evidence and complete the self-evaluation report. At the same time, MC1 has carried out bidding procedures as required. On August 20th, 2024, after completing the bidding procedures, the Institute for Human Resources Training and Development was selected to sign the contract for accrediting the school’s three training programs.

In accordance with the signed consulting service contract and the plan for accrediting three training programs, on September 5th, 2024, Maritime College No.1 and the Institute for Human Resources Training and Development held the opening ceremony for the official external evaluation of three vocational training programs: Marine Engine Operation, Automotive Engineering  and Logistics at college level.

Attending the opening ceremony: on the side of the Institute for Human Resources Training and Development, there were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cao Van Sam - Chairman of the Advisory Council, Institute for Human Resources Training and Development; Prof. Dr. Do Duc Luu – Head of external evaluation team for Marine Engine Operation training program; MS. Hoang Thu Phong - Head of the external evaluation team for Automotive Engineering training program; MS. Tran Van Hung - Head of the external evaluation team for Logistics training program, along with members of the three external evaluation teams. On side of Maritime College No.1, there were Dr. Luu Viet Hung - Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of the college; MS. Luong Quang Trung - Vice Rector of the college; MS. Do Hong Hai - Vice Rector of the college, representatives of the self-evaluation council for training programs; vocational management officers, leaders of the school’s units, and many staff and lecturers of school.

Photo 1: Overview of the opening ceremony for the official external evaluation of 03 training programs

On behalf of Institute for Human Resources Training and Development, , acknowledged and highly appreciated the results and efforts, positivity, and proactiveness of Maritime College No.1 in conducting self-evaluation and closely adhering to the evidence requirements during the implementation process to prepare for this official external evaluation.

Photo 2: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cao Van Sam - Chairman of the Advisory Council spoke at the ceremony

At the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Do Duc Luu – Head of external evaluation team for Marine Engine Operation training program, on behalf of the external evaluation team, expressed a commitment to strictly follow procedures, ensure objectivity, fairness, and transparency which will provide Maritime College No. 1 a clearer and deeper understanding of its current situation, thereby implementing effective solutions to continuously improve training quality and meet the needs of learners in the future.

Ảnh 3. Prof. Dr. Do Duc Luu – Head of external evaluation team for Marine Engine Operation training program spoke at the ceremony

Speaking at the program, Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of the college stated: “In recent years, Maritime College No. 1 has always identified quality as an essential and key factor for development; and ensuring quality is not only a responsibility to meet the requirements of the education sector and society but has also become an intrinsic need to affirm the school’s position and brand. On behalf of the school, he also expressed gratitude for the support and assistance from the Institute for Human Resources Training and Development as well as external evaluation teams. The school acknowledged the efforts and contributions of all units and individuals who prepared for program accreditation during this time. The school believed and expected that, with over 50 years of tradition, the existing and potential resources, the determination and unity of the school’s leadership and staff, and the support and facilitation from the Institute for Human Resources Training and Development, the accreditation of the three vocational training programs in Marine Engine Operation, Automotive Engineering  and Logistics will achieve good results and serve as a foundation and motivation for the school’s further development.

Photo 4: Dr. Lưu Việt Hùng, Rector of the school, spoke at the ceremony


After the opening session, the external evaluation team will carry out evaluation tasks, review evidences, and work directly with relevant parties, survey the school’s facilities and conduct interviews with staff, lecturers, alumni, and students to compile an external evaluation report on the training programs as planned.

Photo 5: The external evaluation team took photos with the school’s leadership and units


News from Training Quality Assurance Department – Maritime College No.1

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